Tuesday 25 November 2014

The first frost

The first frosty morning this year turned the world into a magical place.

 Mist over the rhine.

 Diamonds coating every leaf.

 Jeweled necklaces bedecking the hedgerows,

spider's webs and sparkling crystals creating beautiful sculptures of common hogweed,

and the wild rose stems.

Then the sun shone, and the spell was broken.


crazyQstitcher said...

Beautiful scenes, wonderful photography.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Truly magical. I can smell the crisp, dewy air. I love the light this time of year. There is something so soft and comforting about it. It was captured in these photos. Your new header is fabulous! :)

margaret said...

frost s so pretty when seen in a photo, not so good to be out in! It is colder down south makes a change, here in Leeds it is warmer, fingers crossed it stays mild.

Queeniepatch said...

Your photos make the frosty world look wonderful!

Rachel said...

Oh, I don't know - sunlight through water droplets is pretty magical!

Anonymous said...

What great photos Jules! I don't know if you noticed the snow photos over on my blog... 15" and just our first snow, brrrrr! Where did you get that sewing bunny Gif from? How totally cute! Ummm, while I'm asking questions, how did you get your Pinterest to look the way it does and how do I get into your Pinterest to nose around? Technology, doesn't take much to confuzzle me, lol!
Hugs my sweet sister in art,
Beth P

Deb said...

Glorious pictures Jules, thank you for sharing them. We've gone from a frosty wonderland to a foot of snow and now cold Arctic air has put us in the deep freeze. Winter has arrived here in British Columbia just a bit too soon for my liking! Enjoy your lovely frosty days, Deb

Tammie Lee said...

so lovely to see your frosty gems!