Monday, 20 June 2016

Midsummer Rain

It's June 20th, and raining, and raining, and raining. It hasn't deterred the birds though. Green finch and goldfinch chicks have fledged,  and are busy emptying our bird feeders every day! Blue tit, great tit and woodpecker parents are still working hard collecting food for their babies.

 When it's not actually raining, the birds now tolerate me sitting and drawing very quietly on what I call the 'patio', alongside my rusty, trusty wheelbarrow!


Valerie Gardiner said...

What a lovely sketch, you're really making some lovely drawings at the moment. Keep up the good work!

Rachel said...

He's a poppet - well done!

margaret said...

such skill you have with the pen and paints, and so lucky to have interesting birds, we get sparrows, starlings and blackbirds that I give an apple to everyday. Also have the swifts back in the roof, thought they would not find me this year as I have a new tiled roof it was slates before but have heard the babies it amazes me when I see the Mum swooping in through the tinest gap, it usually takes a few attempts before she finds her way in

Elizabeth Braun said...

They're lovely - both your version and the Great Artist's. :)

Andy Lloyd Williams said...

Very good to see your beautiful watercolour sketches again. You obviously have no neighbourhood cats prowling around your bird feeders! Look forward to seeing more birds

Anonymous said...

That is such a charming little watercolour - I wish we had a few more birds coming into our garden but I think there are too many neighbourhood cats for comfort!

Shashi Nayagam said...

It's lovely catching up with you Jules. This is a beautiful sketch. Love all the dyeing experiments too. You got some lovely results

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Hurraaaah! Welcome back! :)

Your nature drawings are getting better and better. This is delightful. I hope your birdy friends continue to allow you to sit quietly and sketch. x

crazyQstitcher said...

Another wonderful sketch. It's always a delight to visit your blog to see your artworks.